The best twitch live viewers service's basic chatbot is now free for the clients. In a few steps you can make your chat more active.
You can add random comments in the chat content area. Potibot chatbots will use them randomly in chat. Also, you can change the chat content when you are live and this is available on Potibot, only.
If you don't want custom chat content, you can keep the content empty.
If emote chat and custom chat are active both, chatbots choose randomly one of them for each message and send the messages to your chat between 1-2 minutes.
If you want emotes in your chat just activate it 🙂 Also potibot's chatbot can greet you, when they join the chat.
If you want chatbots to greet you, you can enable "Greetings Active" option.
If you enable "Emote Active" option, chatbots send random emootes to your chat.
You can increase your chatter count on the fly.
You can increase or decrease your chatters count according to your stream content.
Our viewers have realistic profiles but they don't follow the clients' channels. So, you should make a configration on your chat settings.
Our chatbots don't follow you, so you should set off your "Followers-Only Chat" option.